Oct 24, 2023 | E-Book, Microsoft
Report Six Trends That Are Shaping Supply Chain Transformation for Manufacturers DOWNLOAD NOW Future-proof Your Supply Chain To effectively navigate supply chain challenges and meet the ever-changing needs of your customers, it’s crucial to shift your mindset...
Jul 24, 2020 | E-Book, Manufacturing, Microsoft
E-BOOK The Future of Manufacturing An Intelligent Supply Chain Manufacturers impact every aspect of our daily lives, and are shaping a sustainable future powered and fueled by more sustainable energy sources. As they manufacture the building blocks for smart cars,...
Jul 15, 2020 | E-Book, Microsoft
E-BOOK The Resilient Supply Chain: Trusted, Sustainable, Intelligent Navigate the new normal Many organisations moved to remote working, while factories pivot to implement social distancing. They had to keep their employees safe and critical supply chains in...
Jul 8, 2020 | Articles, COVID-19
BLOG | COVID 19 The Changing Face of the Supply Chain July 09, 2020 Nicholas Bell, CEO, Decision Inc. The global coronavirus pandemic has impacted the supply chain industry in several ways, many that will change it forever. It has been a year of complete and...