May 31, 2021 | E-Book, Microsoft
E-BOOK Key drivers for cloud migration Understanding how migration triggers can drive business outcomes in the cloud Business leaders must find ways to address new challenges. In these times of uncertainty in the market, there are many organisations facing both the...
May 31, 2021 | E-Book, Microsoft
E-BOOK Financial and economic considerations for cloud migration Aligning with key financial stakeholders on cloud migration Aligning with the CFO and finance team and securing their buy-in is crucial for developing a successful cloud migration strategy. Their support...
Nov 15, 2019 | Articles, Data & Analytics
BLOG | DATA & ANALYTICS Making the Move to the Cloud Reghard van Jaarsveld, Engagement Manager, Decision Inc. It has been several months since the launch of the two Microsoft Azure data centres in South Africa. And as expected, this has resulted in many...