In today’s global economy, organisations often rely on a mobile, collaborative workforce for information sharing, innovation, and fostering business relationships. Managing this shifting workforce is key to maintaining a healthy and profitable business.
Data analytics tools play an integral role in helping management adapt and oversee today’s rapidly changing workforce. Real-time insights can enhance employee training, increase staffing efficiency, and improve leadership succession and planning.
“An HR Department often has a wealth of data that they are not able to access it in a user-friendly format. Workforce Analytics provide a solution to this problem.” – HR Manager, Decision Inc.
Improve Workforce Management
Business Intelligence provides a holistic view of the organisation’s workforce in one place to improve the measuring, reporting and analysis of key workforce metrics.
A central dashboard offers valuable insights into the following:
- On-boarding, training, performance and succession data
- Leading and lagging indicators such as the absenteeism rate
- Workforce performance, productivity and profitability
- HR effectiveness and performance
- Manager quality index
- Employee satisfaction rates and grievances
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Business Intelligence dashboards provide a holistic view of workforce information in one place. Join the webinar and discover how these dashboards will generate valuable insights.
Boost Employee Retention
Data analytics leads to important insights into employee benefits and rewards, both financial and non-monetary, needed to improve employee satisfaction and drive revenue and profit.
Motivating employees and boosting retention can be done by monitoring:
- HR functional operating expense rates
- Benefits and compensation costs per employee
- Total benefits as percentage of labour costs
- Total labour costs and percentage of revenue
- Human capital ROI
Optimise the Recruitment Process
Analytics can also give you insights into your talent pipeline and hiring needs across your organisation. The data can help your business generate higher recruitment yields, improve quality of hire, and decrease turnover.
Consider tracking and reporting the following metrics to measure the impact of your recruitment efforts:
- Quality of hire – skills, experience, and cultural fit
- Diversity, experience, and gender hire ratio
- Talent import/export ratio
- Employee and voluntary turnover rate
- Employee retention rate
- Recruiting expenses per new hire
In conclusion, data analytics improves employee relations, optimises workforce efficiency and increases collaboration to support better decision-making.
Workforce Analytics assists your HR operations and business strategy by monitoring KPIs that impact workforce management.
You can do more with HR if you have the right analytics platform. Join our Webinar to learn how to manage your workforce better.
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We’ll discuss how you can dynamically respond to HR information to improve employee relations and impact workforce performance.
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