Integration is the thread that weaves the fabric of your business systems and data together
Streamline your processes, reduce costs and ensure efficiency by integrating your software platforms.
Proper software integration eliminates work and task duplication, slow responses and incoherent divisional views on the business performance. We facilitate communication between software and platforms tailored to your business.
Reduce inefficiencies by aligning your systems and processes
Reduce the time spent working on multiple platforms by using a single system
Effectively analyse your data in a single place rather than in multiple platforms
Variety of Languages
- .NET
- C#
- Javascript
- Angular/React
- SQL databases
- WordPress
Our Toolkit
The TorchBearer framework
Web Services
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft SharePoint
Microsoft Dynamics 365
Microsoft 365
The Power of Integrating your Platforms
Integrate Data & Information
- Integrate data and information between legacy systems, file and document stores
- Enable your systems to integrate their banking, financial and HR sources
- Let actions in one system drive purpose in another
Reduce Manual Work
- Ensure that all areas in your business operate effectively and meet KPIs
- Get the most out of your employee’s skills and time
- Reduce human error with machine accuracy
- Utilise 24-hour days, 7 days a week with automation
Unify Your Data
- Combine legacy systems that have proven joint effectiveness
- Report on separate department information, giving an overall master view
- Realise insightful actions from unified data